Friday, July 31, 2015

Day 1! #awesome

 Here we are in Edessa!

The first day just passed like in a few seconds, but if we reflect backwards, we realise that it is amazing that we have met 35 new people from 7 countries and in a few hours we already have felt familiar.

We have started the day with ice breaking games. First of all we had to made some paintings about each other. It turned out that nobody among us is going to be a great painter.

Next we had to paint our imagined luggage where we could every important stuff, like what we have brought to the program our what we are proud of.

It was an important part of the day that we agreed on the main rules regarding the program. We also talked about the fears, offers and expectations of the participats. We are really looking forward this week!

We also prepared some frappe for the afternoon and we had the chance to have a walk aorund Edessa. We heard about the story of the city and we visited the famous waterfalls with guides. There is an amazing view from Edessa, we really enjoyed our time in the nature. A few of us (the bravest ones) visited also the reptile museum.

It was the first time we have worked in feedback groups. It really helped us to fully understand the process of learning and the practical meaning of the youthpass.


Getting to know each other Session

Expectations, Fears & Offers Session 

 Group Agreement 

Youthpass Session 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Press Release - "Come Out & Play!"

Youth Exchange Come Out & Play!

(funded by Erasmus+)

Youthnet Hellas, in association with Youth Movement of Edessa and the Environmental Education Centre of Edessa-Giannitsa, is organizing a youth exchange in Edessa (Greece) at 29.07.2015 – 05.08.2015, in the frame of the Erasmus+ program for Youth.

38 youngsters from 7 European countries (Italy, Romania, Hungary, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Slovakia and Greece) will take part in this project that mainly examines the issues of internet and on-line gaming addiction and explores healthy ways of living.

Δελτίο Τύπου - "Come Out & Play!"

Υλοποίηση Προγράμματος Ανταλλαγής Νέων “Come Out & Play!”, στο πλαίσιο του Ευρωπαϊκού Προγράμματος Erasmus+

Το Δίκτυο Νέων Ελλάδας (Youthnet Hellas), σε συνεργασία με την Κίνηση Νέων Έδεσσας και το Κ.Π.Ε. Έδεσσας - Γιαννιτσών, πρόκειται να υλοποιήσει Ευρωπαϊκό Πρόγραμμα Δια Βίου Μάθησης (Erasmus+) στην Έδεσσα στο χρονικό διάστημα 29.07-05.08 του 2015.

Στο Πρόγραμμα θα συμμετάσχουν 38 Νέοι από 7 χώρες της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης (Ιταλία, Ρουμανία, Τσεχία, Σλοβακία, Ουγγαρία, Βουλγαρία, Ελλάδα), με αντικείμενο ενασχόλησης τον εθισμό στο διαδίκτυο και τους υγιεινούς τρόπους διαβίωσης και συμπεριφοράς.